"Ce n'est pas du Sable" - on stage

From the dance performance "Ce n'est pas du sable, mais on ne le saura qu'après" by the dance company Transe-en-Danse.
It was amazing; intense emotions, incredible dancers, deep story.

I had the chance to contribute in this project, first for the scenography, then as a photographer. I couldn't keep following with them all the way for the first part (for planning and timing reasons), but I was glad to be able to capture the beauty of this creation - both on stage and on the Italian beach, where they made all their initial dancing experiments.

You can check the full description of the project here : http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/ce-n-est-pas-du-sable-mais-on-ne-le-saura-qu-apres?ref=recent

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